Projects made in Mittelab
- Stampante 3D - 3D printer based on Prusa Mendel with custom-designed parts.
- LogicBoxen Scatole didattiche componibili che implementano le varie funzioni logiche.
- DonationBox Super Mario themed donation box with sound
- Line Follower Line Following robot (winner of Mini Maker Faire TS 2k16 competition)
- radialSketch Vertical plotter
- KeycardAccess Open the space with a RFID card
- RadioHack Transform an old radio into a multimedia center
- pop-pop boat Create a pop-pop boat
- CO2SHOCK ADAM module library for geological studies
: project status
- Certificati digitali per i corsi: generazione automatica e firma digitale degli attestati di frequenza ai corsi
- mittelBot: IRC bot (Limnoria) with Telegram bridge plugin
- Jack o' Driver Halloween 2016 Mascotte. No digital stuff here
Personal project
- OFFTOPIC!: A button to (try to) put a stop to off-topic discussions
Mojca & Vincent
- Accordion: Laser-cut MIDI Accordion
- ratcam: surveillance and motion detection
- rpi-build-tools: docker images to crosscompile for the Raspberry Pi (ARMv6)
- ifauthex-dokuwiki-plugin: dokuwiki plugin to filter wiki content based on access level
- NeuROOMBA: Intelligent system for home cleaning